Sunday, January 27, 2008

Postcard From Santa Fe

No, I'm not actually in Santa Fe, but I feel like I've been on an extended vacation as far as painting is concerned. A bad cold after the holidays left me without much energy for creativity. I have several things in the works right now, but nothing ready to show so I decided to share this with you. I painted it for Mother from a postcard or card (can't quite recall) when I was SIXTEEN years old. I can only imagine what my paintings would look like now if I had stuck with painting instead of giving it up. Alas, no point in looking back...I'm glad for all I've learned in just the last year. I had a wonderful discussion with a lady this week who has taught art for 25 years and told me she didn't start until she was 49! Isn't that great?? We are NEVER too old to learn something new. What is it that YOU may have always wished you'd learned but haven't done yet? It's not too late!!

"Postcard From Santa Fe," 5"x7" oil on canvas, private collection.